Sponsor Us

Why Sponsor Us?
By partnering with Vibe The Wave, you will allow be welcomed aboard "The Vibe Tribe!"
We are three girls looking to achieve something extraordinary... crossing an ocean isn't something people do every day, and is not for the faint hearted. More people have been to space than have crossed an ocean. Although none of us have any prior rowing experience, we have a hunger to learn and enthusiasm for day.
We want to inspire other women and girls to take a leap of faith and say "yes" to big challenges and to "dream big" ... we are just three ordinary girls, taking on a mammoth task. We want to encourage others to believe in themselves, give things a try, take part in sport and adventure.
We are looking to partner with brands and businesses that share our values and ethos. A big part of this is sustainability and during our crossing we are going to raise awareness of some of the issues around climate change and ocean plastic. We are in a bid to make our campaign as sustainable as possible, using a secondhand boat made from more sustainable materials, limiting our use of single use plastic, and collect ocean plastic along the way (via a fishing net!) to highlight these areas of sustainability.
Partnering with us will allow us to focus on preparations for the race – predominantly physical training and equipment sourcing. With sponsors on board we can also channel more energy and time into raising money for our chosen charities – The John Ratcliffe Hospital Neuro ICU (Grace), Empire Fighting Chance (Maddie) and Kidney Wales (G).
Get in Touch!

If you’ve got something different in mind, we’d love to hear from you. Already we’re lining up The World’s Most Remote Cocktail party with a local alcohol brand. We’re teaming up with a fantastic fish Chef as they will teach us to be the first (and possibly only) team to catch, fillet and cook a fish with only a Leatherman and a jetboil as kitchen appliances.